Author = Moslem Servati
Determination of Cultivation Priority of Some Fruit Trees by ALES Program

Volume 9, Issue 4, March 2022, Pages 74-87

Maryam Musavi; Ayda Abbasi; Moslem Servati; Ali Barikloo

Application of Heuristic Methods in Prediction of Wheat Yield

Volume 6, Issue 3, December 2018, Pages 106-117

Moslem Servati; Ali Barikloo; Parisa Alamdari; Kamran Moravej

Performance evaluation of corrected land indices to determine the Potential of Maize production using FAO Method

Volume 3, Issue 1, July 2015, Pages 65-77

Moslem Servati; Hamidreza Momtaz; Behnam Zali Vargahan; Hassan Mohammadi

Land suitability of Golfaraj region for Sugarbeet cultivation using Mediterranean system

Volume 2, Issue 2, February 2015, Pages 1-11

Moslem Servati; Hamidreza Momtaz; Mansour Omrani; Hassan Mohammadi