Author = abbaszadeh-dahaji, payman
Effect of Plant Growth Promoting Pseudomonas on Copper Phytoremediation by some Indigenous and Crop Plants

Volume 9, Issue 1, June 2021, Pages 41-56

payman abbaszadeh-dahaji; Zahra Karimi; Mohsen Hamidpour; Abdalreza Akhgar

Isolation, Screening and Evaluation of Plant Growth Stimulating Traits of Cd and Pb Resistant Microorganisms

Volume 7, Issue 4, March 2020, Pages 111-123

Manizhe Eivazi Nei; Akbar Ghavidel; payman abbaszadeh dahaji; Esmaeil Goli Kalanpa

The effect of time and media composition on IAA production by different fluorescent Pseudomonads isolates and impact of isolates on the growth of maize (Zea mays L)

Volume 2, Issue 2, February 2015, Pages 2-27

Dina Alsadat Rezayi; Payman Abbaszadeh-Dahaji; Abdolreza Akhgar; Ali Ashraf Soltani

The effect of bio-fertilizer and organic fertilizer application on some nutrients concentration and growth characteristics of tomato

Volume 2, Issue 2, February 2015, Pages 105-118

Ali-Ashraf Soltani Toolarood; Saye Rasoul Ziatabar; Behrooz Esmaeelpoor; Payman Abbaszadeh Dehaji; Kazem Khavazi