Author = Hamed Amir Abedi
Estimating the Soil Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity in Ardabil Plain Soils Using Artificial Neural Networks and Regression Models

Volume 7, Issue 4, March 2020, Pages 124-136

hamed amirabedi; shorollahi asghari; tarahom mesri; Naser Balandeh; ebrahim johari

Prediction of Mean Weight Diameter of Aggregates using Artificial Neural Network and Regression Models

Volume 4, Issue 1, September 2016, Pages 39-53

Hamed Amir Abedi; Shokr Allah Asghari; Tarahom Mesri Ghandomshin; Naser Balandeh

Estimating of Field Capacity, Permanent Wilting and Available Water Content in Ardabil Plain Soils using Regression and Artificial Neural Network Models

Volume 1, Issue 1, August 2013, Pages 60-72

Hamed Amir Abedi; Shokrollah asghari; Tarahhom Mesri Gandoshmin; Farshad Keivan behjo