Author = Behnam Dovlati
Effect of Leonardite and Zinc Solvent Bacteria on Release and Chemical Forms of Zinc in Calcareous Soil

Volume 10, Issue 2, September 2022, Pages 14-28

Fardin Hosseini; Behnam Dovlati; mohsen barin

Evaluation of Chemical Extractants Ability for Extracting Available Potassium in Some Tobacco-cultivated Soils in Northwest of Iran

Volume 8, Issue 1, May 2020, Pages 18-30

Rahmatollah Ranjbar; Ebrahim Sepehr; Abas Samadi; MirHassan Rasouli-Sadaghiani; Behnam Dovlati; mohsen barin

Influence of k- solubilizing fungi on potassium release from silicate minerals and some growth indexes on Corn (Zea mays L.)

Volume 6, Issue 2, August 2018, Pages 96-108

mohsen barin; Saeid Sadeghi; MirHassan Rasouli-Sadaghiani; Ebrahim Sepehr; Behnam Dovlti; Roghayeh Vahedi