The effect of Application of biochar and pruning waste compost with PGPR inoculation on macronutrient availability in wheat rhizosphere

Document Type : Original Article


Graduate Student of Soil Science, Department of Soil Science, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran.


In order toevaluate the effect of biochar, pruning waste compost of apple and grape trees and plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) on macronutrient uptake in calcareous soil, an experiment carried out in a completely randomized desig nunder greenhouse condition in rhizobox. The factors including the organic matter (pruning waste biochar, pruning waste compost and control), microbial inoculation (PGPR and Control (without microbial inoculation)) and soil (rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere soil). At the end of the growth period, pH, electrical conductivity (EC), Organic carbon and availability of macronutrients in the rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere soils and concentration macronutrients in the plant were determined. The results showed that the highest pH was in biochar (7.88) without microbial inoculation.The amount of EC, N, P and K in compost treatment with PGPR inoculation were significantly higher than other treatments.The highest organic carbon was observed in the non-inoculated compost, which increased to 78.9% in comparison with microbial inoculation treatment. Compost provided more contents of EC, OC, N, P and K in the rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere in comparison with biochar, it indicating higher EC, OC and nutrients content in the compost that was used. PGPR inoculation increased the availability of P and K by 1.21 and 1.26 times in non-rhiozosphere soil, compared to rhizosphere. However, EC, OC and N contents in the rhizosphere soil of the PGPR treatment were 1.22, 1.24 and 1.19 times higher than non-rhizosphere soil, respectively.The higher uptake of N, P and k by plant in inoculum of PGPR biochar increased 48.60, 32.55 and 32.16 % compared to the control, respectively.In general, according to the results of this study, it seems that using PGPR inoculation and appropriate amounts of biochar and compost, can improve macronutrients availibity in the soil, as well as uptake of these elements by plants.


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