Investigating The Susceptibility of Semi-arid Soils with Different Texture to Interrill Erosion in Relation to Slope Sharpness in Zanjan Province

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. Student of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zanjan

2 Professor, Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zanjan

3 Associate Professor, Department of Water Engineering, University of Zanjan


The process of soil particles splash by raindrops and their transport by splash or surface shallow flow is considered as interrill erosion, which can reduce soil fertility and cause surface water pollution. Slope gradient and soil type can be the main factors affecting interrill erosion processes in semi-arid regions; therefore, it is important to determine which soil textures in such slopes are more sensitive to interrill erosion processes. This research was conducted to investigate the effect of surface slope on interrill erosion in different soils. For this purpose, laboratory experiments were carried out on eight soils with different texture (silty clay, clay, sandy loam, sand, loam, sandy clay loam, clay loam, sandy loam) on tree slopes (10, 20 and 30%) under simulated rainfall (a constant intensity of 30 mm.h-1) with three replications (72 test units). The interrill erosion was measured at intervals of one minute from beginning of runoff in each experimental unit. The results showed that interrill erosion in all soils is affected by soil texture (P<0.0001), surface slope (P<0.0001) and their interaction (P<0.0001). Loam soil was the most susceptible to interrill erosion (10.76 g.m-2.s-1) and sandy soil was the most resistant soil (0.75 g.m-2.s-1). Surface slope had a significant effect on the amount of interrill erosion in all soils (P <0.000). Also, with increasing the slope percentage, the amount of interrill erosion in all textures increased significantly. This shows that it is necessary to prevent surface erosion in fine textured soils, especially on slopes in Zanjan region.


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