The Effectiveness of Organic Fertilizer from Poultry Slaughterhouse Wast on Corn (Zea maize) and Pistachio (Pistacia vera)

Document Type : Original Article


موسسه تحقیقات تهران


At the present study, the effectiveness of organic fertilizer produced from poultry wastes was evaluated on corn and pistachio plants. Treatments included: T1 (Control), T2 (Fertilizer recommendation based on soil test), T3 (Application 0.71 g kg-1 organic fertilizer from poultry slaughterhouse wast), T4 (Use of 1.06 g kg-1 of organic fertilizer from Poultry slaughterhouse waste), T5 (use of 0.07 g kg-1 N from urea + 0.53 g kg-1 slaughter wastes fertilizer, T6 (use of 0.035 g kg-1 urea + 0.8 g kg-1 slaughter wastes fertilizer), T7 (use of 1.33 g kg-1 vermicompost). The experiment was conducted as completely randomized design in four replications. The highest maize shoot dry weight belonged to T2 (fertilizer recommendation based on soil test) while the lowest one was related to T1 (control). In terms of total nitrogen content of maize, treatments T1 (0.35), T4 (0.41,) T5(0.41) and T7(0.40) have a significant difference with other treatments. While treatments T2 (0.66%), T3 (0.56%) and T6 (0.6%) were in a statistical group, control treatment (T1) and treatment T7 had the highest nitrogen concentration in pistachio leaves. Leaf Fe content in the different treatments was more than twice the optimum level (more than 200 mg kg-1), but Zn content in all treatments was severely low (less than 15 mg kg-1) and the plant was deficient in zinc. In terms of copper content, except the T5 and T6, the other treatments were optimal. Manganese content of all treatments was about 30% to 50% lower than optimum. In general, the results indicated that integrated plant nutrition (application of organic fertilizer along with chemical fertilizers) is a suitable solution to manage plant nutrition and reduce the use of chemical fertilizers.


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