Determination of Soil Fertility Management Zones in Honam Sub-Basin for Wheat Production Using Geostatistical Methods, Principal Component Analysis & Fuzzy Clustering (Lorestan Province)

Document Type : Original Article


1 associate professor, soil and water research institute, agricultural research, education and development organization

2 assistant professor of soil and water research institute, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO)

3 associate professor of soil and water research institute, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO)

4 موسسه تحقیقات خاک و اب



Recognition of soil fertility status, it is possible to identify areas with the problem of deficiency or toxicity of soil nutrients & is effective in selecting homogeneous management units. This study tries to determine the soil fertility management zones in the Honam sub-basin. 164 surface soil samples were selected & soil physical & chemical properties were measured. After statistical analysis, the spatial distribution of each property was investigated via geostatistical techniques. Using the principal component test, important soil properties that have the greatest impact on soil fertility were extracted & finally, soil fertility management zones were determined using Fuzz method. Two fertility management zones were identified in the region that the rates of TNV, available K, Fe, Mg, & Zn were significantly different in these two zones. The concentration of Zn in zone one & two is in the medium & low, respectively. Available Mn in zone two was low & it is necessary to fertilize it. Soil organic carbon in both areas is far from its optimum amount, which limits soil production capacity. Due to the medium to heavy texture of the soils of the region, the importance of increasing OC to improve soil fertility becomes more apparent.


Main Subjects

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