Author = Naser Aliasgharzad
Isolation, Molecular Identification, and Assessing Plant Growth Promoting Activities of Biofilm Forming Bacteria from Gramineae Rhizosphere in North West of Iran

Volume 7, Issue 2, September 2019, Pages 14-28

Esmaeil Karimi; Naser Aliasgharzad; Mohammad Reza Neyshabouri; Ezatallah Esfandiari Esfandiari

Effects of Two Species of Pseudomonas and Nitrogen Levels on Dry Matter, Chlorophyll index and N and Zn Uptake by Spinach Plant

Volume 6, Issue 1, June 2018, Pages 62-72

afsaneh kalantari; nasser aliasgharzad; nosratollah najafi

Assessment the important PGPR features of isolates used in biofertilizers Barvar2, Biosuperphosphate, Supernitroplus and Nitroxin

Volume 3, Issue 1, July 2015, Pages 39-52

Bahman khoshrou1; Mohammad Reza Sarikhanii; Naser Aliasgharzadeh; Peyman Zareh

Effect of Dual Inoculation with Pseudomonas fluorescens and Glomus Intraradices on Nutrient Uptake in Tomato Under Defferent Levels on Salinity

Volume 1, Issue 2, February 2014, Pages 45-60

Mina Hakimi; Nasser Aliasgharzad; Mohammad Reza Sarikhani; Nosratollah Najafi