Author = Rasouli-Sadaghiani, MirHassan
Inoculation of Cyanobacteria in order to Improve Biocrustation and Stabilizing Dried-up Beds of Urmia Lake

Volume 12, Issue 1, June 2024, Pages 15-25


Hanieh Faramarzi; MirHassan Rasouli-Sadaghiani; Hosein Kheirfam; mohsen barin

Evaluation of Nutritional Status of Dryland Wheat Using DRIS Method in South of West Azerbaijan Province

Volume 11, Issue 4, February 2024, Pages 18-29


Naser Miran; MirHassan Rasouli-Sadaghiani; Vali Feiziasl; Ebrahim Sepehr; Mehdi Rahmati; salman mirzaie

Spatial Distribution of Soil Organic Nitrogen in the Dried-up Beds of Lake Urmia

Volume 11, Issue 3, December 2023, Pages 17-28


saman Jalalzadeh; MirHassan Rasouli-Sadaghiani; Hossein Kheirfam; Habib Khodaverdiloo; Farrokh Asadzadeh

Antibiotic residues in the soil,; a threat to human health

Volume 11, Issue 1, June 2023, Pages 58-72


Mahrokh Sharifmand; ebrahim sepehr; MirHassan Rasouli-Sadaghiani; siamak Asri-Rezaei

Effect of Enriched Biochar and Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria (PSB) on the Distribution of Phosphorus Forms in a Saline and non-Saline Soil of Lake Urmia Basin

Volume 10, Issue 3, August 2022, Pages 15-29

Roghaye Mousavi; MirHassan Rasouli-Sadaghiani; Ebrahim Sepehr; mohsen barin

The Performance of Nutrient Index Value (NIV) in Evaluation of Dryland Fertility

Volume 9, Issue 1, June 2021, Pages 57-71

Naser Miran; MirHassan Rasouli-Sadaghiani; Vali Feiziasl; Ebrahim Sepehr; Mehdi Rahmati; Salman Mirzaei

Effect of Iron Chelates and their Application Methods on Iron Nutrition Status of Bean Plant (Phaseolus vulgaris) in a Calcareous Soil

Volume 8, Issue 3, December 2020, Pages 109-128

atena mirbolook; MirHassan Rasouli-Sadaghiani; Ebrahim Sepehr; Amir lakzian; Mohammad Hakimi

Distribution of Phosphorus Forms in Calcareous Soils Inoculated with Phosphate-Solubilizing Fungi

Volume 8, Issue 2, September 2020, Pages 70-81

MirHassan Rasouli-Sadaghiani; Roghayeh Vahedi; Majid Mashayekhi; mohsen barin

Evaluation of Chemical Extractants Ability for Extracting Available Potassium in Some Tobacco-cultivated Soils in Northwest of Iran

Volume 8, Issue 1, May 2020, Pages 18-30

Rahmatollah Ranjbar; Ebrahim Sepehr; Abas Samadi; MirHassan Rasouli-Sadaghiani; Behnam Dovlati; mohsen barin

The Effect of Absorbable Zinc Deficiency on some Physiological and Morphological Traits in Bread Wheat

Volume 7, Issue 4, March 2020, Pages 99-100

Seyyed Mohsen Niazkhani; Babak Abdollahi Mandoulakani; Morad Jafari; MirHassan Rasouli-Sadaghiani

Effects of Phosphate-Solubilizing Microorganisms and Mycorrhizal Fungi on the Growth Parameters of Corn (Zea mays L.) under Salinity Condition

Volume 7, Issue 3, December 2019, Pages 25-39

Mir Hassan Rasouli Sadaghiani; mohsen barin; Fatemeh Shakouri; Sanaz Ashrafi Saeidlou

The Effect of Application of Plant Residues on Improvement of Chemical Properties of Calcareous, Sodic and Saline-Sodic Soils

Volume 7, Issue 3, December 2019, Pages 67-82

Javad Abdollahi garekand; Ebrahim sepehr; Vali Feiziasl; Mir Hassan Rasouli sadaghiani; Abbas Samadi

Effect of Phosphate-solubilizing bacteria (PSB) on distribution of phosphorus forms in a calcareous soil

Volume 7, Issue 2, September 2019, Pages 67-81

Neda Moradi; MirHassan Rasouli-Sadaghiani

Effects of salinity and microbial inoculation on the yield and phosphorous efficiency indicators of corn

Volume 7, Issue 1, June 2019, Pages 148-165

mohsen barin; Mir Hassan Rasouli Sadaghiani; Sanaz Ashrafi Saeidlou; Fatemeh Shakouri

Influence of k- solubilizing fungi on potassium release from silicate minerals and some growth indexes on Corn (Zea mays L.)

Volume 6, Issue 2, August 2018, Pages 96-108

mohsen barin; Saeid Sadeghi; MirHassan Rasouli-Sadaghiani; Ebrahim Sepehr; Behnam Dovlti; Roghayeh Vahedi

Study of different fractions of Zn, Cu, Pb and Cd during vermicomposting of cattle manure

Volume 5, Issue 1, September 2017, Pages 35-44

atena mirbolook; mirhasan rasouli sadaghiani

Effect of Apple Pruning Vermicompost on Improving some Biological Properties of a Pb-Contaminated Soil

Volume 4, Issue 1, September 2016, Pages 54-64

Parinaz Khodaei; MirHassan Rasouli-Sadaghiani; Habib Khodaverdiloo

The effects of fire on soil organic carbon quantity and nutrients availability in Sardasht Oak forests

Volume 2, Issue 2, February 2015, Pages 28-39

Sanaz Ashrafi-Saeidlou; MirHassan Rasouli-Sadaghiani

Soil Cd Contamination and Evaluation of It’s Effects on Soil Biological Quality and Plant Growth

Volume 1, Issue 1, August 2013, Pages 17-27

Solmaz Kazemalilou; MirHassan Rasouli-Sadaghiani; Habib Khodaverdiloo; Mohsen Barin